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The end of Šilhavy in the national team in case of relegation? The management team has full confidence so far

The Czech national football team is now preparing for the barrage match against Sweden, which could bring our selection closer to the World Cup. However, there is speculation about whether the coaching team will be dismissed in the event of a relegation. How does it look now?



The Czech national football team is now preparing for the barrage match with Sweden, which could bring our selection closer to the World Cup. However, there is speculation about whether the coaching team will be dismissed in the event of a relegation. How does it look now?

On 24 March the Czech national team will play Sweden in a barrage match. The winner of this match will then challenge Poland in the final and there the World Cup will be decided.

It is safe to say that the match against Sweden is a hugely important one. Moreover, coach Šilhavy’s team hasn’t been performing very well in the autumn, which is why they are definitely not the favourites.

Although it won the last three matches, it did not perform well against Belgium, losing 0:3, and then drew with Ukraine and Wales.

The team has stopped moving forward and therefore it was discussed whether the coaching team led by Jaroslav Šilhavy should be dismissed.

Now we have a relatively good generation and we need to get the most out of it. It seemed that the barrage would decide everything, but coach Šilhavy answered the question quite extensively.

“We are concentrating on Sweden, we are not dealing with anything else right now. Petr Fousek said that the implementation team has his full confidence,” he said at the press conference.

So everything depends on the results. If the Czechs are already eliminated by Sweden, a new coach might be sought.

