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Europa League

The Czech sponsor of Rangers also commented on the racism at Letná. I am ashamed to be Czech! he said surprisingly

The European media is overwhelmed by the Sparta – Rangers match. The Czech sponsor of Rangers Radek Grill, who surprisingly sticks with the Scots, also had his say.



The European media is overwhelmed by the Sparta – Rangers match. TheCzech sponsor of Rangers Radek Grill, who surprisingly sticks with the Scots, also had his say.

Radek Grill is a South Bohemian businessman who represents the tyre brand Tomket, which is a sponsor of Rangers. Grill was invited to the match by representatives of the Scottish club and he accepted the invitation.

He thoroughly enjoyed the football match. “It was a nice game from a football point of view. Sparta was certainly a good host. The atmosphere was also great thanks to the children in the stadium,” said Grill, who was pleased with the reception of the guests of honour from Sparta and the quality of the match.

What upset him, however, were the racist reactions from the Sparta fans. In this respect, he sticks firmly with the Rangers representatives. “Unfortunately I have to confirm that. When we were leaving the stadium, we met a mother who said to her children: “It ‘s a good thing that monkey got sent off,” Grill indignantly explained his experience at the end of the game.

I was there with my wife, who wasn’t born in the Czech Republic, and I didn’t have the strength to comment. I am ashamed of being Czech. I’m ashamed, it’s terribly sad.”

Sparta won the Europa League match against Rangers 1:0 and gained three very important points in the table. It will be interesting to see how UEFA will handle the whole incident. The Scots accuse the Czech fans of racism, but Sparta vehemently denies it.

Source: Budějcká drbna
