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The biggest spending teams since the Premier League’s inception? Chelsea reigns supreme, with 5 teams breaking the £4 billion mark

The modern Premier League as we know it has been in operation since 1992. It is considered by many to be the best league competition in the world, it is watched by people all over the world and of course that means big profits. These are also reflected in the transfer sums that individual clubs spend. Which teams have spent the most in the history of the competition?



The modern Premier League as we know it has been in operation since 1992. It is considered by many to be the best league competition in the world, it is watched by people all over the world and of course that means big profits. These are also reflected in the transfer sums that individual clubs spend. Which teams have spent the most in the history of the competition?

England’s top league has been known as the Premier League since May 1992. Since its inception, the competition has gone through several eras and many records have been set, especially in terms of transfers, as few English clubs can compete in the transfer market.

The biggest spender of all English teams since 1993 has been Chelsea of London, who have spent £5,573,242,0000 as of 12 January 2022. Yet in 1995 it was only twelfth.

In 2000, we would have been looking at the Blues in third position, but with the arrival of Roman Abramovich into the ownership structures in 2003, they have not let go.

In the beginning, Liverpool and Blackburn were battling it out for the lead, with the former reigning continuously from 1994 to 2000, when it was surpassed by Manchester United. The Red Devils, however, held the top spot for only three years, since when they have been “eternally second”. Liverpool are now fourth.

As for Blackburn, of course, they won the competition for the first season ever. But they have fallen down not only in the financial ladder but also in the hierarchy of the competition. It dropped out of the top ten biggest spending teams in 2013.

What is interesting then is the progress of Manchester City. As recently as 2007 it was tenth in the spending rankings, within three years it had moved into the top five, and since 2013 it has been third, gradually closing the gap on city rivals and Chelsea.

As of 8 January, then, only Manchester United and Chelsea have crossed the £5 billion mark. Manchester City, Liverpool and Arsenal have gone above four billion.

And how is the world’s richest club doing now? In 1999, when it was playing for the European Cup and fighting for the top spot in the competition, it was in third position, but gradually began to fall down the rankings. Now it is in eighth position. It is only a matter of time before he moves up significantly.

West Ham with the Czech national team are behind Newcastle.

Top spending clubs in the Premier League (as of 8 January 2022)
  1. Chelsea – £5,753,242,000
  2. Manchester United – £5,626,046,200
  3. Manchester City – £4,995,056,000
  4. Liverpool – £4 529 838 000
  5. Arsenal – £4 217 265 273
  6. Tottenham – £2 866 535 200
  7. Everton – £2 427 363 000
  8. Newcastle – £1 998 656 200
  9. West Ham – £1 976 630 000
  10. Aston Villa – £1,754,453,396

Source: GiveMeSport
