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Solskjaer ends up on the Manchester United bench. Why didn’t it work out?

The time has come. The Norwegian coach was sacked after a crushing 1:4 loss to Watford, a long-awaited move by the club’s management that simply had to happen. Solskjaer’s engagement lasted a total of 3 years. What did he succeed in, what did he fail in?



The time has come. The Norwegian coach was sacked after a crushing loss to Watford (1: 4). The club management made a long-awaited move that simply had to happen. Solskjaer’s engagement lasted a total of 3 years. What did he succeed in, what did he fail in? Why couldn’t he take the Red Devils to the absolute top?

Lack of coaching competence

The former Manchester United legend is a great manager but only an average coach. Before his arrival, the club was in total disarray, unable to be competitive, the players’ confidence was zero.

Solskjaer managed to lift his team. He introduced a long-term concept in the team, brought in great players, managed to adapt the game to the quality of the squad. Under his leadership, the Red Devils have improved both in terms of play and results. However, this was only temporary.

The club was not able to reach the absolute top. Throughout his tenure, the team had no face and United’s play lacked a functioning system. The team’s pressing was never very effective and often didn’t work.

Solskjaer also failed to get the full out of United’s current squad, even though that squad had huge potential. The ignoring of Donny Van De Beek at the expense of the mediocre Fred, McTominay or Matic was also incomprehensible.

A non-existent system

Chelsea, Manchester City or Bayern. These teams are among the best teams in the world. They are teams with sophisticated tactics and are easily recognisable by their style. Chelsea relies on a great defensive system and manages the games tactically. Manchester City’s game is based on dominant, combinational play. Bayern Munich’s game is also recognisable.

But would the Red Devils’ game have any distinctive features under Solskjaer? It is impossible to say. Often the team seemed not to know what style of play it wanted to play. Especially in games against inferior teams, the lack of organised play and pressing was on full display.

The team was often brought down by too much dependence on individuals. If last season Manchester presented a certain style, after Ronaldo’s arrival this game concept completely disappeared.

A huge dependence on attacking individuality

When Bruno Fernandes came into the team, everything looked rosy. The Portuguese has been fantastic since his arrival, soon becoming one of the best players in the Premier League. His productivity has been breathtaking, an absolutely key player for United’s offense. Solskjaer understood this and tailored the team’s play to make Fernandes excel as much as possible. When he was on form, the team pedalled and played top class football.

However, in the last few months, Bruno also suffered a decline in form, which was hugely noticeable in the team’s play. With the arrival of Ronaldo, this problem has doubled.

Manchester suddenly relied solely on the genius of Fernandes and Ronaldo. When one of them wasn’t having his day, losing points was highly likely. Ironically, it was the great return of Ronaldo that finally broke Solskjaer’s neck.

Source: Twitter
