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Seven differences between Lionel Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo

It has long been one of the most debated topics in the football world. Is Cristiano Ronaldo or Lionel Messi better? Half of the fans support the star Portuguese and the other half the superstar from Argentina.



It has long been one of the most debated topics in the football world. Is Cristiano Ronaldo or Lionel Messi better? Half of the fans support the star Portuguese and the other half the superstar from Argentina.

One thing cannot be denied, these are the best players of their generation. Both are great offensive players, but there are plenty of differences between them. While Messi is more focused on technique, Ronaldo relies on power. Every aspect of their game contrasts with the other and we take a look at the main differences.


We’ll start with the strongest trait of both players. It’s goal scoring. Both of them are capable of scoring more goals in an entire season than the entire team combined. The Portuguese’s greatest strength is finishing. He can score from any angle and from any distance.

He can score goals with his right and left foot, head and chest. He has a very hard shot. The Argentine, on the other hand, focuses on his aim rather than his shot. His shooting technique is very precise. Where he aims, the ball goes.


Ronaldo was considered the best dribbler in the world in his glory days. Along with Messi, of course. He was able to go around several players and then finish in an exhibition fashion. Nowadays, the better dribbler is Lionel Messi.

He runs with the ball like it’s glued to his boot. He has perfect control of the ball. Many people admire his technique and say he must have been born with the ball on his foot.

Kicks and headers

There can be no debate here as to who is better. After all, Ronaldo doesn’t jump, he flies. His leaping ability is incredible. He can jump over anyone and place the ball well in the net.

Messi’s height is a major disadvantage. At 169 centimetres, he is nowhere near Ronaldo, who is 187 centimetres. He has scored a few goals with his head, but it is many times less than the Portuguese.


Looking at Ronaldo’s overall career, we can see that rather than passing, he tried to keep the ball close to him and get around the opposition with his tackles. However, we cannot say that he was a solo player. He was capable of passing. But when he did pass, it wasn’t creative passing. Rather, he was hoping to bump teammates or put him in a better position to score.

We would find really few footballers who have such precise passing as Messi. In the final third of the pitch he can pass with millimetre accuracy. He clearly beats his Portuguese rival in creating brilliant chances for his teammates. Whether passing on the ground or through the air, he is no stranger to anything.


In his prime, he was unmissable. He has lost speed with age, but Cristiano Ronaldo is still one of the great sprinters. He has very strong legs and can outrun anyone. His acceleration is incredible.

Lionel Messi is also a very fast player, but he has never been the fastest. He can sprint well over short distances. He’s great at getting the ball past defenders and outrunning them.

First touch

The first touch is a good way to tell the good players from the best. A great first touch can indicate a player’s cleverness in addition to technique. Ball handling can be tricky at times.

The first touch of the Portuguese can be described as subtle. It’s not the best of touches, but it always serves its purpose. He gets control of the ball and can run forward with it. We must point out that he is unrivalled in his first-time shooting.

If you look at the Argentine’s first touch, no one has any problem saying he’s one of the best. With this aspect, he can take defenders out of the game and get into space without bothering to dribble.

Weaker leg

With the Manchester United star, it is sometimes difficult to determine which leg is weaker and which is stronger. Despite being a right footed player, he kicks just as strongly with his left foot. Let’s not forget to mention that it’s not just about strength. He doesn’t use his weaker foot when it comes to dribbling. He concentrates on his right.

The PSG star can score spectacular goals with his left and his weaker right foot. His right foot is not as strong, but he can aim fantastically with it. Ball management doesn’t give him problems with his weaker foot like it does to the Portuguese. However, he relies on his stronger leg for power and longer distance kicking.

We’ve established that these are two different, yet amazing players. We can’t determine who is better overall. But we have no problem determining who is better in what aspect. However, we should not focus on comparing these players. Rather, let us be grateful that we can watch such accomplished footballers on the turf.

