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Room for one. Why doesn’t Memphis fit into Xavi’s system?

Memphis is a player who thrives when he has unlimited freedom on the court. He enjoys being the heart of the team and playing towards the middle of the field. However, his abilities are not in line with Xavi’s preferred system.



Memphis is a player who thrives when he has unlimited freedom on the court. He enjoys being the heart of the team and playing towards the middle of the field. However, his abilities are not in line with Xavi’s preferred system.

There are other player profiles that are better suited to meet Xavi’s requirements. Memphis can play as a central striker or as a sub. Still, he falls short compared to players who play a specific position and have a clear role. What does Xavi require from the strikers in his system?

Xavi’s ideal striker should have the following qualities:: be dangerous in the penalty area, spare no movement without the ball and excel in one-on-one duels.

Memphis certainly meets a third of these requirements. He is strong and knows how to hold onto the ball. Still, he likes to drop deep down the field rather than charging into dangerous positions.

He is the opposite of Barcelona’s star player Robert Lewandowski. The Polish sniper is one of the world’s top goalscorers.

He can also set up the action and, thanks to his movement without the ball, he can open up space for his teammates. Memphis can’t play in the centre of the attack the way Xavi wants to.

Xavi’s dream winger must be able to keep the width of the pitch, not be afraid to go into combinations, excel in one-on-one duels and equally not skimp on his stride.

The Barcelona coach’s wingers can be divided into two groups. Those who are creative on the ball, like Dembele and Raphinha, and those who provide dynamic movement with the ball, like Fati and Ferran.

Memphis is very creative on the ball. A great playmaker, but he also likes to hold the ball up and dictate the tempo. Xavi doesn’t want that from his wingers. The Dutch international also doesn’t like to keep width.

This is why Xavi will favour Fati, Ferran, Raphinha and Dembelho. Memphis would be extremely good if we built a team around him, which is something Xavi will never do.

however, the 28-year-old Moordrecht native still remains a top-class player. He could be further useful in a Barcelona jersey, but he won’t reach his full potential here.

The level of a footballer depends on the individual club and what the team needs. One day a player at a certain club can play at a world-class level, but at another place he can fall into mediocrity.

Source: Twitter
