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Premier League tackles big problem with rising crime! See the list of clubs whose fans are arrested the most

West Ham or both Manchester clubs boast not only great football, but also problem fans who cause a lot of work for the police. Last season it was the Hammers fans who were the most problematic in this regard.



West Ham or both Manchester clubs boast not only great football, but also problem fans who cause a lot of work for the police. Last season it was the Hammers fans who were the most problematic in this regard.

There has been a lot of fighting in England to make football stadiums safe. This has certainly been successful, but in the opinion of many, too much so when the Premier League is accused of having an almost theatrical atmosphere that is a far cry from the Bundesliga and other leagues.

In addition, the crime rate of football fans outside the stadium has also been successful in reducing, as while in the 2010/11 season the police arrested nearly 3,100 fans, in the 2018/19 season it was only 1,100.

Only, after the coronavirus pandemic, the fan frenzy was back in full swing, with the number of arrests climbing to nearly 2,300 last season. So it’s a throwback of a few years, which of course nobody in England likes.

The worst fans in this respect are West Ham United, of whom the police arrested 89 last season. But problems are also reported in Manchester, where United fans were arrested at 83, while City had 66.

Outside the Hammers, however, Arsenal and Tottenham are also high among London clubs, with police arresting 51 fans from each club in equal measure. In the case of Chelsea, the figure is then 45.

On the other hand, very positive figures are reported in Liverpool, where the police arrested “only” 27 Reds fans. But if we talk about the blue part of the city, we’ll get to 48.

The full list of clubs and fans arrested can then be found on the Hull Daily Mail.

Source: Hull Daily Mail, Premier League
