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Medvedev and Sinner are rewriting history. Can you guess how many years from now there will be no Djokovic, Nadal or Federer in the Australian Open final?

You can’t stop time, that’s clear to everyone. However, the way Novak Djokovic presented himself last year and the expected return of Rafael Nadal to the courts did obscure the reality a bit. The reality is relentless, we are on the threshold of a new stage on the ATP circuit. After how long will the final in Melbourne be without members of tennis’ big three?



You can’t stop time, that’s clear to everyone. However, the way Novak Djokovic presented himself last year and the expected return of Rafael Nadal to the courts did obscure the reality a bit. The reality is relentless, we are on the threshold of a new stage on the ATP circuit. And the significance of the old one is perfectly symbolised by the sight of the line-up for the Australian Open. After how long will the final in Melbourne be without members of tennis’ big three?

Djokovic failed to reach the final at the Australian Open

The opening grand slam of the season undoubtedly has its charm. The hot environment of the Australian summer remotely warms up January on the territory of Europe. At least for tennis fans. After all, it is here that the ATP carousel gets underway after the December slumber.

And in recent years, it is an exception when the final of the opening Grand Slam of the season is without the current world number one Novak Djokovic. The Serbian tennis player has only missed the final of the Australian Major three times since 2015.

The significance and power of the phenomenal trio, which besides Djokovic includes of course Federer and Nadal, is best illustrated by the fact that this year’s title match will be without at least one of these legends for the first time in nineteen years.

Back then, Russia’s Marat Safin and home favourite Lleyton Hewitt faced off in Melbourne. The Russian player enjoyed the triumph, much to the delight of Australian tennis fans. So Medvedev has a lot to build on this year.

The big three duels

Nadal has triumphed twice at the Australian Open, Federer six times, but the clear king here is Djokovic. He has won the title in Melbourne in ten years. The last time he won the only major in the southern hemisphere was last year.

Surprisingly, Djokovic’s duels with Federer and Nadal are not so numerous in the Australian Open final. There have been four times.

In 2009, Nadal defeated Federer in the final, who returned the favour eight years later. In both cases, they were five-set battles.

Djokovic also won in five sets against Nadal in the 2012 final here. In 2019, at the start of his most successful series here, Djokovic beat Nadal smoothly 3: 0 in sets. This was the last meeting of these legends in an Australian Major final.

The new generation by Medvedev and Sinner

Although Djokovic has apparently not said his last word, it is time to turn the page. The series is over and Sunday’s Australian Open final will cater to Russia’s Medvedev and Italian hope Sinner.

And it’s a symbolic lineup. Because Sinner has been Djokovic’s biggest challenger since the autumn and it was he who beat the Serbian tennis player in the battle for the final.

Medvedev, in turn, can step out of the shadow of the legends and succeed in the final for the third time in Melbourne. After all, his final conquerors are, yes you guessed right, Djokovic and Nadal.

Sources: Australian Open, X
