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LPL: The attack on the perfect season has begun! JDG defend Chinese League title

Chinese LPL has completed its main programme. The battle for the winner of the summer split between JDG and LNG offered more than some might have expected.



Chinese LPL has completed its main programme. The battle for the winner of the summer split between JDG and LNG offered more than some probably expected.

The last leg of the summer split before the Worlds Regional Qualifier awaited its denouement. The clash between the expected favourite JDG and the slightly less expected challenger LNG promised much.

LNG managed to shoot down BLG and could fight for a direct qualification to Worlds. JDG, on the other hand, were defending two previous titles in a row and were looking to start an imaginary golden journey this season.

After all, no team in history, not even T1 in the days of absolute domination, has managed to win it all in one season. More specifically, their league (both splits) MSI and Worlds.

Still, LNG didn’t want to lay down their arms beforehand and there was a great sense of motivation here too. The JDG and LNG clash was also a battle of junglers who started their careers on the same team.

Tarzan and Kanavi played together for the now legendary Korean team Griffin, considered the most talented team in history. Tarzan was the number one player, Kanavi was an alternate.

The closely watched final gave us a lot of moments but mostly five great games. JDG started the finals better and LNG, despite their best efforts, could not find a recipe for the attentive play of their opponents. LNG then worked hard, refined their game and suddenly led 2-1.

However, following the example of the great teams, JDG did not wrap up the series and literally showed their opponent with a professorial game why they are currently not only the best team in China but also in the world. The tactical mastery in the fifth game was a clear proof. LNG wasn’t helped by the poke composition, which completely fell apart despite their more traditional JDG picks.

JDG thus won their third straight title after a 3-2 win, condemning LNG to regional qualification. A direct qualification to Worlds, so they take BLG.

Source: LPL, Onivia, Leaguepedia
