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LPL: Ninjas in Pyjamas outperformed LGD and their stock is soaring

The Chinese LPL has started the second week of the summer split. In the first series on Monday, Ninjas in Pyjamas and LGD competed.



The Chinese LPL has started the second week of the summer split. In the first series on Monday, Ninjas in Pyjamas and LGD competed.

After a first week that saw some big battles, the start of the second week saw us get off to a slightly slower start again.

Ninjas in Pyjamas were able to pick themselves up after a bad start and get their first win. On the other hand, LGD along with Team Rare Atom and Anyone’s Legend have yet to even get a win.

Still, LGD looked perhaps more fresh than they did in week one. LGD handled the first game better, as they were able to lean on Top and Jungle. Fearness and Meteor showed the way that you can challenge a prepared opponent. Thus, a focused and active approach to the game gave LGD a psychological advantage.

However, NiP did not give up and tried to make up for a somewhat lax approach to the game. The balanced early game was decided by a beautiful duel around the 18th minute.

Angel and his Neeko set up a beautiful space for his teammates where Invincible and the rest of the team swept their opponent. The Ninjas never let the lead go and forced a decisive third game.

The third game started with a good start by LGD. Unfortunately for them, NiP managed a great dive on the bot line and began to build a bold lead. However, LGD did not lose their desire for their first win of this split. The team was able to level the game and even get their first Baron.

However, they made up for the mistakes that the NiP players were piling up with a great push. Therefore, when LGD tried to get the second Baron, they had to play at great risk. This risk turned into absolute ruin when Photic, with the ultimate Jinx, stole Baron from his opponent.

After that, the key defensive play was not handled by LGD players and NiP could celebrate another win. With this win, the Ninjas have temporarily moved into the Elite Four and their performance is slowly picking up.

Source:: LPL, Onivia
