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LPL: Defending champions JDG averted a huge blunder against Anyone’s Legend

Thursday’s game between the defending champions and arguably the LPL’s weakest team shouldn’t have been a big drama.



Thursday’s game between the defending champions and arguably the LPL’s weakest team shouldn’t have been a big drama.

JDG has been looking very good so far in the summer split. The series against Anyone’s Legend should have been a short, pleasant stroll. Their opponent is one of the bottom of the league and doesn’t operate in a style that should realistically threaten the best.

The Chinese league is like roulette at times. Occasionally, paper assumptions can be thrown out of the window as a weaker unit or a team not expected to do much defies its fate. It was the same story with this series, which almost created a huge sensation.

While I mentioned that JDG look good, we can still find places and room for improvement. It should be noted that in the first game, the Legends players literally caught the Chinese giant by surprise.

A great early game gave the team such acceleration that the final killy score of 17-9 on the underdog’s account was a big wake-up call for JDG.

The second game was already much better from the favourite’s side. JDG almost didn’t let their opponent do anything and very quickly tied the series at 1-1.

The third game, however, set up a big drama. A very even game in the first twenty minutes of the game gave Anyone’s Legend hope for a big surprise. After that, however, the JDG players recovered and managed to gradually turn the situation in their favor.

Still, a 2-1 win against the league’s minnows is not a good sign and JDG once again played with too much fire. The team on paper is supposed to roll most of the league, unfortunately some inaccuracies cost the team more nerves and work.

Source: LPL, Onivia
