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LPL: BLG beat EDG in a rematch of the spring semifinals

The main match of Wednesday’s programme was a duel between two other favourites for the title. Bilibili Gaming challenged EDG on the run.



The main match of Wednesday’s programme was a duel between two other favourites for the title. Bilibili Gaming challenged EDG on the run.

The LPL schedule this year has been both very friendly and unfair to us. Don’t take it as some kind of a criticism when we say that while having a lot of big battles to start is great, we would rather see these matches in the second half of the regular season where a lot is at stake.

Still, a rematch of the spring playoff semifinals promised to be a great show. EDG, who were pegged as the heavy favorites to advance to MSI with JDG in the spring, failed catastrophically. BLG, to everyone’s surprise, managed to pass even this great test.

BLG entered the series as the better prepared team. The team was able to win the early game very well and build a progressive advantage very quickly.

EDG were able to play a promising but otherwise stereotypical game at times, without any big ideas. Relatively easy first game for the runners-up LPL and MSI – 0-1.

The second game was the exact opposite. EDG’s proactive approach prevented BLG from taking off in the early game. JieJie and FoFo were able to gain the necessary advantage with their movement around the map and the game quickly fell apart like a house of cards for Bilibili. EDG tied the series at 1-1.

The decisive third game started with EDG trying to get an early game. However, BLG responded brilliantly, gaining three kills in succession and a lead of around four thousand gold in the fourteenth minute. EDG then managed to turn around the kill column at times, but there was still some spasm on the team.

However, EDG couldn’t break the considerable lead in goals despite a stronger midgame, and Bilibili Gaming scored a very valuable 2-1 victory that may help them in the final tally. EDG needs to bounce back from this loss very quickly. JDG awaits them on Saturday afternoon.

Source:: LPL, Onivia
