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Losing to Turkey? We showed Georgian football in a very positive light, said coach Sagnol. Now he is preparing his team for the clash with the Czech Republic

Georgia has qualified for the EURO and wants to show that football is on the rise in the country. The first game against Turkey did not go as expected, although the performance was not bad at all. Coach Willy Sagnol was satisfied with the Georgians’ performance and can now prepare his team for the Czech Republic.



Georgia has qualified for the EURO and wants to show that football is on the rise in the country. The first game against Turkey did not go as expected, although the performance was not bad at all. Coach Willy Sagnol was satisfied with the Georgians’ performance and can now prepare his team for the Czech Republic.

When Georgia made it to the EURO, the whole country went crazy with joy. Such a success is unprecedented in local football. The country has an excellent generation of footballers and at the tournament it wants to show that Georgia is a force to be reckoned with in football.

Its first opponent was Turkey, which took the lead in the 25th minute thanks to a goal by Müldür. Seven minutes later, however, Mikautadze scored and the joy could have started. But in the end, there were no points.

The talented Güler scored for the Turks and in the last minute Aktürkoglu made the final decision with a shot into an empty net. Georgia thus lost and will need to score against the Czechs if they want to advance.

“I don’t want to say that we are happy losers, because defeat is always disappointing and painful, but we can certainly be proud of our performance,” said Georgia coach Willy Sagnol at thepost-match press conference.

“We showed Georgian football in a very positive light. We had a lot of chances. We had a lot of chances. We just weren’t as effective,” added the coach, who was proud of his team.

Sagnol is already preparing his team for the Czech footballers, who were reaching for points against Portugal, but in the end, like Georgia, they got nothing because of a goal conceded late in the game.

“We just needed a little more experience with such games. But today’s one will push us to be even better next time. In the future Georgia won’t lose games like this again. Now we are in the process of learning,” Sagnol concluded his assessment.

Source: UEFA, EURO 2024
