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Leaked footage of Real Madrid president slandering Casillas and Raúl. They are the biggest cheats, says Pérez

All fans know that Real Madrid president Florentino Pérez is not good with club legends. However, slandering the icons of the White Ballet is quite beyond the pale. All hell is breaking loose in Spain right now with these recordings.



All fans know that Real Madrid president Florentino Pérez is not good with club legends. However, slandering the icons of the White Ballet is quite beyond the pale. All hell is breaking loose in Spain right now with these recordings.

Remember when Iker Casillas left Real Madrid? As one of the club’s biggest icons, he wasn’t allowed to say goodbye in front of the fans and had to settle for a mere press conference in front of the media, which he blabbed to the world.

Raúl also wasn’t allowed to finish his amazing career at Real Madrid, he had to settle for an engagement at Schalke. Now maybe it all fits together.

The daily El Confidencial has come up with wiretaps from 2006 that are extremely shaky.

“Casillas is not a goalkeeper for Real Madrid, he never was. He is a huge failure for us. He’s one of the biggest cheats and the other is Raúl. Two of Madrid’s biggest cheats,” Pérez lashed out at the club’s legends 15 years ago.

“Raúl is bad for the club, he thinks Madrid is his and uses everything in Madrid for his own benefit. He is a negative figure, he is destroying Madrid,” added Florentino Pérez, who was not president of Real Madrid at the time when he resigned after his first reign.

If you speak Spanish, you can hear Pérez’s words in the original recording.

Florentino Pérez, of course, immediately reacted and issued a statement via Real Madrid’s website. According to him, his words are taken out of context.

The conversation was allegedly illegally recorded by José Antonio Abellán, who tried unsuccessfully to sell the recordings for several years. Pérez has already instructed his lawyers to find out what his options are.

Furthermore, Pérez believes that the media is trying to damage his image because of his participation in the Super League.

In any case, Pérez cannot come out of the whole situation well. Club legends are seen as untouchable in Spain, especially club offspring like Iker Casillas and Raúl González Blanco. Moreover, the latter is currently the coach of the B-team and there were plans to incorporate him as the coach of the A-team in the future.

This has caused a huge backlash in Spain and the worst is yet to come. The daily El Confidencial will publish Pérez’s recordings gradually.

Source: El Confidencial, Real Madrid
