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LCS: Thirty in top esports? Solo historic feat, rewrote the American league tables

The topper of Immortals Solo did an unusual feat and a bit of a rebuttal to the usual conventions about the age at which you can play esports.



The topper of Immortals Solo did an unusual feat and a bit of a rebuttal to the usual conventions about the age at which you can play esports.

The US LCS is slowly getting underway as we watch dozens of teams battle it out for the title and qualify for Worlds. In the shadow of these struggles, however, we could see a truly historic feat. Solo has made its mark on the history charts, in the least usual way.

For Solo, at the age of 30, became the first LCS player to play an official league match. After all, they say age is just a number. You may be wondering why I’m addressing a player’s age.

Esport and player age is a bit more complicated than that. In fact, the vast majority of esport players end their careers much earlier.

If we’re talking purely about League of Legends, the average retirement age is around twenty-six. Although this “borderline” age is also moving, it’s still not entirely common for players to be this old.

Of course, there are a few shining exceptions in the world of LoL. Faker recently turned twenty-seven. Deft is a year older. However, the increasing competition inevitably places greater demands on older and more experienced players.

For many teams, it is better to get a young, promising player who is cheaper to acquire and whose demands are not as great.

Still, Sol’s feat raised an interesting smile and showed that it is possible to play at an older age even by esports standards. Maybe we’ll see the oldest player at Worlds. After all, Immortals have won both of their games in the LCS summer split so far.

Source:: LCS, Leaguepedia

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