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LCS: Does Doublelift know what the LCS strike is about? The famous Marksman’s opinions have outraged the community quite a bit

The US LCS is suspended due to a dispute between Riot and the US gaming community, led by the LCSPA. Doublelift has recently added to all this with a statement regarding the current LCS strike.



The US LCS is suspended due to a dispute between Riot and the US gaming community, led by the LCSPA. Doublelift has recently added to all this with a statement regarding the current LCS strike.

Doublelift has always been a man of two faces on the American scene. One praises him for his contributions to the LCS. However, on the other hand, on more than one occasion, the LCS veteran has voiced opinions that sometimes leave you wondering.

Doublelift pulled another similar stunt recently when he released a statement on the current LCS strike. However, some of his statements have raised the hackles of the community, and rightfully so.

“I want to say that I care, but if there is an option to stand by the Academy and have the LCS Summer Split cancelled as Riot is threatening or let it go, I’ll let it go,” Doublelift said.

What went on next, however, only made it abundantly clear that the LCS legend doesn’t even know what the current strike is about and what its goal is. “It’s like a nuclear button. Why is that even part of the equation? Everyone will just suffer.”

“People think I sabotaged the negotiations. But they’re wrong. I don’t want this to happen. Nobody wants the LCS to be abolished,” he added later.

A confused Doublelift subsequently added more questions than answers. His reactions were noticed by many figures on the American scene.

“Holy f**k… Doublelift thwarted all of the association’s efforts with one stream,” one of LoL’s biggest streamers responded.

With his sometimes egotistical views, the LCS veteran has once again alienated a community that is no longer curious about some of his escapades. Moreover, his contribution does not help much to the currently heated situation.

Sources:: LCS, Kotaku, Jake Lucky, Christian Riviera

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