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King after first month at West Ham: I took my chance. What did he have to get used to and what impressed him?

Alex Král has completed his first month in his new job. He is gradually getting used to the environment at West Ham, the cabin, the speed of English football and the intensity of training. And he is slowly picking up his first minutes.



Alex Král has completed his first month in his new job. He is gradually getting used to the environment at West Ham, the cabin, the speed of English football and the intensity of training. And he’s slowly picking up his first minutes. “I think I took the chance I was given. I’m still ready,” he reports before the national break.

After just one month at West Ham, Alex King packed his bags and left. But don’t worry, David Moyes hasn’t decided to sack him straight away and send him back to Russia, following the example of Gigi Becali. There’s just another national team reunion.

The Czech midfielder at least took a moment to be interviewed by iSport, in which he evaluated, among other things, his opening month in London. He only played one game, a cup match against Manchester United, which he played in its entirety.

And the feedback on his performance was universally positive, from the coach, the public and even his agent and parents, which is no less important for the 23-year-old. While he hasn’t been on the court again since then, he believes the minutes will start to trickle in.

After all, he’s still only been in England for a month and not everyone can settle in as quickly as Tomas Soucek and Vladimir Coufal. King knows he still has to get used to the pace and style of play that David Moyes’ squad wants to present.

At West Ham, for example, they play with four full-backs, whereas at Spartak Moscow they usually played with a three-back system. Similarly, King needs to get to know his new teammates more, but also the whole English environment.

And what does he need to get used to the most? “The training sessions. They are more intense, a lot of strengthening, but it’s controlled. Of course it’s different, I just need to adapt. It ‘s a move to the next level, I need to work harder and more intensively,” says the native of Košice.

However, his adaptation is of course helped by the two compatriots he has in the West Ham cabinet, i.e. Souček and Coufal. As he says, after coming to Spartak Moscow he did not know the language of any of the players and his arrival was much more difficult, but now he can speak English with ease and he has a couple of Czechs at hand. In short, the best conditions for settling in as quickly as possible.

The King also praises the great fans who create a great atmosphere at the matches. “It’s amazing how the people there feel about football,” he is impressed. Will the Hammers love this Czech midfielder as much as Soucek and Coufal?

That question will hopefully be answered in the affirmative soon, but before that happens, not only the trio of Czech Ham representatives will have another national team meeting, where Jaroslav Šilhavy’s charges will try to fight for a closer second place in the group.

They will face Belarus, and especially on Friday night Wales, a direct competitor for the World Cup qualification barrage. According to King, the team sees this as an important match in which they clearly want to succeed.

“We are looking forward and we believe that a lot of people will come to the stadium and that they will drive us forward. We hope that we can make it through the match. We will want to build on our challenging and combative style of play and win. We want to finish second in the group,” the 25-time Czech international is clear.

The absence of Wales’ top scorer Gareth Bale and the return of in-form Czech goal scorer Patrik Schick may play a key role, which the Czechs will want to make the most of, according to King. Will they manage to beat Wales on Friday night?

Source:: iSport
