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Incident in the Belgian derby! Charleroi fans threw dead rats into the stands between families with children and the disabled

The Belgian top flight Jupiler Pro League match offered a duel between Standard Liege and Sporting Charleroi. The home side won 3-1, but the match was marred by one incident. The visiting supporters threw dead rats between the home team and the visitors.



The Jupiler Pro League, Belgium’s top league, offered a duel between Standard Lutych and Sporting Charleroi. The home side won 3-1, but the match was marred by one incident. The visiting supporters threw dead rats between the home team and the visitors.

33. the Belgian Jupiler Pro League round also featured a clash between Standard Lutych and Sporting Charleroi. In a tense duel, the home team won 3:1.

However, the result was marred by an incident that will soon be investigated. During Friday’s match, the visiting fans threw dead rats into the stands.

Standard Lutych confirmed this on Sunday, the rats were painted in the colours of the home team. However, the situation is even worse because they were thrown into sectors with families and people with reduced mobility.

Spectators with hoods on their heads wearing extermination suits threw these rats towards the T2 stand, which is occupied by families and people with reduced mobility,” a Liege fan told RTL-Tvi television.

This derby is often heated and is often the scene of incidents, some of them violent. But this is the first time something like this has happened.

The Belgian animal rights organisation Gaia has responded to the incidents by condemning this deplorable display of hostility towards a rival club and expressing the hope that those responsible will be swiftly identified and punished.

There is also the question of how supporters of the visiting team could have walked into the stadium with rats. After all, there is quite strict control at such matches. Of course, we’ll leave the imagination to you.

Source: Eurosport, Jupiler Pro League

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