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Hope lives! Klein scored an important win and could earn himself a new contract in the UFC

Ludovít Klein made his appearance on Sunday at the numbered UFC 272 event as part of the card’s early prelims. He wasn’t originally supposed to fight in Las Vegas, but he took the fight at the last minute to repair his reputation. How did he do?



Ludovít Klein made his appearance on Sunday at the numbered UFC 272 event as part of the card’s early prelims. He wasn’t originally supposed to fight in Las Vegas, but he took the fight at the last minute to repair his reputation. How did he do?

Slovakian fans were once again treated to a representative at a UFC tournament. On Sunday, Ludovít Klein took to the cage shortly after midnight and was facing a very important fight about his future in the best MMA organization in the world.

Devonte Smith had lost his opponent and Klein was offered a last-minute opportunity to replace Erick Smith. That alone, of course, earned him plus points with the UFC brass. However, just accepting the offer did not guarantee him a new contract.

Klein had it 1-2 in the UFC before his fight with Smith, a third loss in a row could break his neck. Last year, he was no match for Michael Trizan on points and was beaten by Nate Landwehr on a submission.

But the fact is that Smith suited Klein with his style, as he is a quality stand-up fighter, not a ground-and-pound. And this was also reflected in their measurements of strength. The Slovakian fighter was dominant, more active and more accurate in all three rounds.

He got Smith in trouble at least twice and could have finished him. So when the scoring judges named him the winner of the fight, no one could be surprised.

Klein improved his professional record to 18-4 and asked for a new contract. Whether he will be offered one remains to be seen.

Source: UFC
