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Free agents that teams can still sign

The transfer period is over, but that doesn’t necessarily mean the end of strengthening. Clubs can still bring in free players whose contract expired or was terminated before the end of the transfer window. Here are a few names that are still looking for a club.



The transfer period is over, but that doesn’t necessarily mean the end of strengthening. Clubs can still bring in free players whose contract expired or was terminated before the end of the transfer window. Here are a few names that are still looking for a club.


Did any club fail to sign a defensive midfielder? And would you like a proper midfield banger? That’s because Xeka, a 27-year-old Portuguese who was last at Lille, is currently looking for a club. He appeared in 23 games for them last season and alongside his defensive stats, he also racked up 3 goals and 1 assist. Thanks to Lille’s successes in previous years, he also has Champions League experience.

Particularly strong defensively, Xeka records 23 pressings every 90 minutes, which he supplements with just under 5 defensive actions in the same time unit. His weakness, however, is his play on the ball, with just under 80% of his 50 or so passes finding the recipient every game played.

That’s why he often doesn’t do much with the ball on his foot, preferring to stash it in the stands. Then again, he does like to shoot, at least you can expect a shot a game from him, and on average every 900 minutes it adds up to one xG.

For a team that needs to shore up the midfield and doesn’t enjoy holding the ball up and building an attack from the back, possibly tolerating a passenger at this stage, definitely a quality signing.

Josip Iličić

Does your team lack spark in the final third? Then contact Slovenian veteran Josip Iličić as soon as possible. He terminated his contract with Atalanta last August and could be a quality, albeit rather short-term, solution to your problems.

He’s already 34, but his offensive stats would be the envy of any 20-year-old. Topped with his former team’s peculiar playing style, Ilicic ranked worst in the top ten percent among wingers and offensive midfielders in terms of passes made, passes received, progressive ball handling, assists and scoring opportunities created over the past year.

Best employed under a spike striker or at a traditional ‘ten’, Ilicic is used to high-octane football. However, he is also quite disinterested in the defensive phase of the game and will therefore need running teammates around him. But he will reward their hard work with near perfect service.

Jason Denayer

Football journeyman Jason Denayer, who was sent around the world for several years by Manchester City, from whose academy he came, is looking for a new deal after his stint at Olympique Lyon.

At least in the eyes of the statistical community he has a lot to rehabilitate, apart from the solid amount of blocks, passes, their 94% success rate and the goal threat he represents, his stats are paltry. They have certainly suffered from the playing style of Peter Bosh, who defends in a way that doesn’t lend the opponent the ball.

With experience of both Champions League and national team football, Jason Denayer, at 27, could be a smart signing for a host of clubs with a more attractive address than the Middle East, where he registered interest in the summer. Whether it be a bigger club looking for a defensive all-rounder, Denayer has featured on both ends of the defence and in midfield in the past, or a smaller outfit looking for a sound name to complement a young defence just gaining experience.

Source: Ligue 1, Serie A
