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Champions League

Football has fallen asleep in time, VAR is slow and kills the joy of the game, Thierry Henry is not happy about this technology

VAR has been with us for some time now and in that time has pleased many. However, many more people are rather sick to their stomachs of the technology, which still has too many problems that are slow to be ironed out. One of the critics is Thierry Henry, who believes that VAR is killing the joy of the game.



VAR has been with us for some time now and in that time has pleased many. However, many more people are rather sick to their stomachs of the technology, which still has too many problems that are slow to be ironed out. One of the critics is Thierry Henry, who believes that VAR is killing the joy of the game.

Many will agree that the celebration of goals is not what it used to be. Even looking at the linesman after a goal is scored no longer makes much sense and the striker will not see into the room where the referee sits with the screens.

Run to the corner of the pitch to celebrate with your fans for a promotion goal, or wait? This is the new dilemma of many who, if they opt for the first option, are then deeply disappointed if the goal is called off; if they opt for the second, the euphoria fades by the second.

“We are still very far behind in football, we still have a lot to learn. What I have seen in American football, rugby or tennis, the decision was instantaneous,” Henry was quoted as saying at the Leaders Week Sport Business conference in London.

“The thing that bothers me about VAR is that it’s not fast enough. Now you don’t even know if you should go and celebrate a goal or not. It kills the joy of the game,” continued the former Arsenal and Barcelona striker extraordinaire.

Some hope and a way forward has been offered by UEFA, which has introduced semi-automatic offside technology in the Champions League that should speed up the game considerably.

This is what the world’s most popular sport really needs at the moment. If it can’t keep up with the times, it will wither much more than expected.

Football has already reached its peak, according to statistics, and other sports are starting to catch up, led by esports, and it is VAR that is helping this stagnation in many cases.

On the other hand, it must be understood that football offers a large number of situations that are judged by referees on the pitch under great emotion. This is what made football football. So with new technologies, will it lose its beauty?

Source: Marca, Leaders Week Sport Business, Twitter
