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Fernando Alonso has revealed what he regrets most about his F1 career. This is the first thing I would change, he says

Fernando Alonso has experienced many very positive and negative moments during his rich Formula 1 career. However, in the latest episode of The High Performance Podcast, he admits his biggest regrets in F1.



Fernando Alonso has experienced many very positive and negative moments during his rich Formula 1 career. However, in the latest episode of The High Performance Podcast, he admits his biggest regrets in F1.

He has won two championships and has come close to more than once. The Spaniard Alonso is rightly regarded as one of Formula One’s greatest legends. And not just for his achievements, but also for his driving style or performance.

He has a history of controversial affairs. We can remember his involvement with McLaren or the Crashgate scandal.

But as far as his achievements are concerned, he came very close to another world championship title in the 2010 season. And that was the year he joined Ferrari. But Alonso ended up in second place with 252 points, just four points behind championship winner Sebastian Vettel.

A year later, Vettel again claimed the title, this time with an utterly dominant season under his belt. Alonso had a great season in 2012, but the title was not to be. The now forty-two year old Spaniard scored 278 points, with champion Vettel scoring 281.

So Alonso never won a title with the Scuderia. In 2014, he left the Italian team from Maranello as it failed to provide him with a competitive car.

If I could go back in time…

It should be noted, he admitted on The High Performance podcast that this is the first thing he would change about his career.

Winning a championship with Ferrari – that’s probably the first thing I would change about my career if I could go back in time,” Alonso says.

“In 2010 and 2012 we were a few laps away from the title, which probably could have changed the outcome and the history of a few things. I was disappointed to lose them,” he added.

I should have enjoyed everything more, admits Alonso

As well as failing to win the title with Ferrari, Alonso also expressed regret at not enjoying the successes of his earlier career. And he also admitted that, at 42, his time in F1 is coming to an end.

“What I definitely regret is not enjoying (myself) more. I know my career is coming to an end and I have a new life ahead of me without F1. When I look back on my career, I see a lot of good things, good friendships and incredible experiences, but I should have enjoyed them more,” the legendary driver admitted.

“If I had the chance to live my life exactly one more time, maybe I wouldn’t change anything about my team, my decisions, the Ferrari title or anything else. I’d just live all those moments a little more and try to have more memories,” he realises.

“I won the title in Brazil in 2005 and 2006 and I remember almost nothing of those nights, which is sad. So those are the things I would change,” he concluded.

F1, The High Performance Podcast
