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Czech Republic as the Barcelona of football? Messi transfer gets caught up in political campaign, opposition scores points

Parliamentary elections are coming up in the Czech Republic and some politicians have already tried to raise their profile by commenting on the European Championship. This has continued with the Olympic Games and now the transfer of Lionel Messi to PSG. What has happened on the political scene here?



Parliamentary elections are coming up in the Czech Republic and some politicians have already tried to raise their profile by commenting on the European Championship. This has continued with the Olympic Games and now the transfer of Lionel Messi to PSG. What has happened on the political scene here?

As has already been mentioned, parliamentary elections are coming up. Prime Minister Andrej Babiš and Finance Minister Alena Schiller have recently started to comment on sporting results or events.

However, they did not stop with our athletes. Minister Schillerová has now commented on Lionel Messi’s transfer to PSG and has made a big splash.

“The end of a football era. A new one is beginning. Lionel Messi is no longer a Barcelona player. He will now play for PSG in France,” Schiller tweeted.

Written by anyone else, it may seem like an innocuous post. But in this case, it is the finance minister, who has come under fire from critics for her huge debt and deficit in the state budget. And there could be more than one reason.

An excellent analogy was used in response to this post by opposition MP Markéta Adamová Pekarová, a member of the TOP 09 party, which is part of the SPOLU coalition in the elections.

“I don’t understand football, Minister. But I do know that Messi is no longer a Barcelona player mainly because they are drowning in debt. Well, you are making the Czech Republic the Barcelona of football. I believe that the citizens will also change their jersey in the autumn,” Adamová Pekarová wrote.

The football fans may not be the biggest fans of TOP 09 or the SPOLU coalition, but this reaction was certainly successful. At least on social media, it scores points.

Source: Twitter
