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Czech football fans react to Slavie’s elimination! A wave of support and criticism has come

Slavia Prague came close to matching their greatest European success in modern history. In 1996, they reached the semi-finals of the UEFA Cup. Jindřich Trpišovský’s squad were not far from the semi-finals of the European Conference League, but their own mistakes closed the door.



Slavia Prague came close to matching their greatest European success in modern history. In 1996, they reached the semi-finals of the UEFA Cup. Jindřich Trpišovský’s squad were not far from the semi-finals of the European Conference League, but their own mistakes closed the door. Feyenoord enjoyed a 3-1 win in Eden to advance. How are Czech football fans reacting?

Czech social networks are, of course, resonating most with the mistake of goalkeeper Ales Mandous. It sent Feyenoord into the lead for the second time and took the wind out of the sails of the Slavs.

However, it is necessary to say that the Seychellois committed at least three huge mistakes in this double match and basically gave the Dutch team 3 goals, and that’s a lot.

The recap is clear, Ondrej Kolar was responsible for Feyenoord’s third goal at De Kuip. The opening goal of Dessers in Eden was again a mistake by the stopper duo Ousou-Kacharaba, and the third one is down to Mandous’ failure.

The Rotterdam side made only one significant mistake, I am of course referring to Orkun Kökcü’s failed little home which was intercepted and subsequently punished by Ibrahim Traoré.

The expert public evaluated the Slavs’ European journey positively and more or less agreed that Feyenoord had deservedly advanced. But there was no media lynch mob on social media and what about Czech football fans?

The reaction of Czech fans

Among Czech football fans, there are both approaches to evaluating the Slavic performance.

There are great critics who criticise the Slavia goalkeepers and some are even not afraid to criticise the Slavia management team, but there are also many fans who stand behind Slavia and fully support them despite the unfavourable result.

“When Slávia got a bizarre goal from Ferencváros in the preliminary round, nobody had any idea how many similar stunts Slávia fans would have to endure. I feel extremely sorry for Mandy today, he deserves the support of the fans more than hate.”

“A big game that we didn’t handle in our heads. The nervousness, the giant mistakes, the irritation. It wasn’t the team today. We have to answer in Jablonec! That’s football.”

“Provod, Hovorka, Kudel, Jurasek and Fila. Next season we will be even stronger in Europe than this season, I’m looking forward to it.”

“Reliability is important in a goalkeeper. Even a reliable goalkeeper will make the occasional miss, but only about twice a season. But Mandous and Kolar are making misses twice a month this season.”

Jan Podrouzek, Pavel Kamaryt, Destralux, Thorklaer
