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Cormier admits to cheating: he held onto a towel at the weigh-in to defend his UFC title

Forty-three-year-old Daniel Cormier is an MMA legend. He’s only been beaten by two opponents in his career, but once he did something that shattered his reputation. When he didn’t weigh in the first time, he grabbed a towel with his hands the second time, making light work of himself. Now he has admitted to cheating at his Hall of Fame induction.



Forty-three-year-old Daniel Cormier is an MMA legend. He’s only been beaten by two opponents in his career, but once he did something that shattered his reputation. When he didn’t weigh in the first time, he grabbed a towel with his hands the second time, making light work of himself. Now he has admitted to cheating at his Hall of Fame induction.

Daniel Cormier is one of the best UFC fighters of all time. The now forty-three year old fighter with a record of 22::3 was inducted into the UFC Hall of Fame.

However, at the ceremony, he admitted to something that was known, but he has not admitted to it yet.

“I have something to confess to you. I feel that now is the right time to be completely transparent. I think I grabbed the towel in Buffalo the other day,” he said.

What’s this about? He didn’t weigh in at the weigh-ins before UFC 210 on his first attempt, but two minutes later he did. How is that possible? Because on his second attempt, he was holding onto the towel.

That brought the weight down slightly and Cormier was within the limit to fight for the title. He beat Anthony Johnson in the second round and became champion again.

He apologized to his opponent at the ceremony, but it didn’t change the result. Cormier didn’t seem to want to admit he cheated at the time and was very happy to be able to fight.

Source: MMA Shorties,
