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Boxing legends Klitschko brothers enlisted in the Ukrainian army

After Russian troops entered Ukraine, the media reported that boxing legends Wladimir and Vitali Klitschko had enlisted in the Ukrainian army to defend their homeland.



After Russian troops entered Ukraine, the media reported that boxing legends Wladimir and Vitali Klitschko had enlisted in the Ukrainian army to defend their homeland.

Wladimir Klitschko has enlisted in the Ukrainian army

Former heavyweight boxing champion Wladimir Klitschko has enlisted in the Ukrainian army amid growing tensions in his native Ukraine.

The Ukrainian government is preparing for an imminent invasion of its neighbours after Russian President Vladimir Putin deployed nearly 90,000 Russian troops on the border with Ukraine.

Atlanta Olympic champion Wladimir Klitschko has not denied his warrior’s heart and has joined his country’s army reserves to defend his homeland should the situation escalate to all-out war.

According to The Guardian, the 45-year-old boxer said he did so out of love for his country and his home. Yet, thanks to his successes, which have made him materially secure for life, he has found the courage to stand up to Russia’s considerable odds in the event of war.

“I signed up as a reserve for the territorial forces, for the defence of the city of Kiev,” the Ukrainian fighter told The Guardian. He cited the current escalation of the conflict on the Ukrainian-Russian border as the reason.

“My little girl goes to school one district over from here,” he said, describing how the situation in the east affects him as well. “The school is currently closed because the ambassadors have sent families home,” he said of how his seven-year-old girl has lost her right to education.

“What brought me into the army was my love for my home, my family, my neighbours and my daughter. Now I am taking part in the defence of this country,” he described his courageous motive.

Brother Vitali will defend his country not only in the political arena, but he also joined the army

Klitschko’s older brother Vitaliy, who is also known for his successful boxing career, is currently the acting mayor of Kiev. However, after seeing his brother’s courage, he too decided to fight for his native country.

I have no other choice, I have to do it and I will fight,” said the former boxer and current politician, who recently celebrated his 50th birthday. Vitali Klitschko said Kiev is under threat and the main priority is to work with police and military forces to support critical infrastructure, including electricity, gas and water supplies for its citizens.

“I believe in Ukraine, I believe in my country and I believe in my people,” said the elder of the famous brothers, Vitaliy.

Hopefully, the two brothers will provide hope for diplomatic relations and that the threat of global sanctions against Russia by Western powers will prevent an all-out war. Whatever the outcome of the situation, history will remember the courage of both fighters.

Source: The Guardian
