Conference league
Are football fans the dregs of society? No! West Ham fans on the streets of Prague to help a collapsing man
Videos of fans rioting in Prague before the final match of the European Conference League in Eden have been circulating around the football world. Many citizens who are not big football fans lumped everyone together and condemned them. However, there were also those who, on the contrary, helped a man in need.
Videos of fans rioting in Prague before the final match of the European Conference League in Eden have been circulating around the football world. Many citizens who are not big football fans lumped everyone together and condemned them. However, there were also those who, on the contrary, helped a man in need.
The internet was full of it. The match between Fiorentina and West Ham was not without riots in the streets of Prague, where the whole football feast took place.
Dozens of supporters of both teams threw chairs or other objects at each other. Many of them were arrested by the police and unfortunately lost the match.
The videos went viral on social media and, of course, reached people who are not fans of the world’s most popular sport. The riots have thus confirmed them in their belief that football fans are the dregs of humanity.
But there are many more facets to the situation. Yes, these people are indeed not among the most decent citizens, but for every one such person, there are hundreds more who are decent.
Football fans are simply not the same and such riots are not uncommon in Prague, this time it was just a more massive form, and a media-appealing one at that.
Many of them left a huge mess in the streets, but from a financial point of view, the Czech Republic will certainly not lose out, as these fans undoubtedly brought tens of millions of crowns to our economy.
There were also those who helped people in need. Twitter user Medvjed thanked supporters of the English team for helping his collapsing husband.
Rád bych poděkoval fanouškům #WestHamUnited, že se (Češi tradičně koukali jinam) postarali o mého kolabujícího manžela. Na Palackého nám. (před @ZdravkoOnline) jej zvedli z chodníku, doprovodili do stínu,…přesvědčili se, že má vodu k pití a až poté pokračovali dál za zábavou.
— Medvjed (@[email protected]) (@Medvjed) June 7, 2023
He has heart problems and fans helped him get to the shade, made sure he was okay and then headed on. Hopefully this positive story reaches those who don’t believe decent fans can go to football.
Source: Twitter, UECL