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Alisson rewrote history! He received two red cards in the match, yet was not sent off

Brazil’s Alisson Becker scored an unprecedented victory. He was the first player in history to receive two red cards but was not sent off.



Brazilian goalkeeper Alisson Becker, who wears the Liverpool jersey on the club scene, scored an unprecedented first goal. He was the first player in history to receive two red cards but was not sent off.

In Thursday’s South American qualifier for the World Cup in Qatar between Ecuador and Brazil, things were happening! In addition to the two goals scored, there were four red cards, two of which were seen by Brazilian goalkeeper Alisson Becker.

Surprisingly, Alisson did not have to leave the field even once and played the match to the end. How is this possible? VAR stepped in twice and overturned both red cards. Let’s take a closer look at both interventions, in which, as the BBC quotes Alisson, the Canaries goalkeeper did nothing wrong.

The first time Alisson was sent off was in the 25th minute. His foot was high enough when he ran out of the box and then took the subsequent kick. After playing the ball away, his kick collided with the head of an oncoming home player. Enner Valencia went down like a bruised man and it looked like the goalkeeper was going to the booths.

However, the referee’s red card was not valid as his colleague at the VAR system knew that a yellow card was enough for this tackle. So Alisson continued, albeit with a caution.

For the second time, the referee showed Alisson a red card at the very end of the match. With the score at 1-1, the player boxed out the ball, subsequently hitting Ayrton Preciada in the head. Referee Roldan was clear – a penalty and a second yellow card, hence the sending off of Alisson. VAR reviewed the situation and again ruled the opposite. There was no penalty, Alisson remained on the pitch, the score remained unchanged until the final whistle.

What did the player himself have to say about such a match?

“I think it was the first time something like that has ever happened. If the referee had not reviewed the situation on video, we would have been punished twice unfairly. I didn’t do anything wrong even once,” Alisson said in a post-match interview.

Do you agree with him, or should the Brazilian goalkeeper have been sent off after at least one tackle?

Source: BBC Sport, Twitter
