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Agüero talks about his feelings for the first time since the end of his career

Former Manchester City star Sergio Agüero has spoken out on the subject of his health and the moment he realised something was wrong with his health.



Former Manchester City star Sergio Agüero has spoken out on the subject of his health and the moment he realised something was wrong with his health.

As we recently informed you, the former Manchester City canon, who moved to Barcelona in the summer after ten years at the English club, didn’t stay too long in the sunny Catalan capital. In November, he was forced to end his prolific football career due to heart health problems.

Feelings of dismay

For the first time since his difficult decision, the fearsome striker has spoken out about how he handled a frightening moment concerning his health and life. “When it happened, I thought it was nothing and that I would be fine,” he said on the Twitch platform.

“But when I got to the hospital and they left me in a small room by myself with a lot of monitors around me, I realized something was wrong,” he said on the sensitive subject.

The end of his career

The star striker was diagnosed with cardiac arrhythmia and doctors advised him to quit football in view of his health. “After two days of hospitalisation, I was getting nervous,” he continued.

In the end, he decided to end his football career after less than five games for his new employer. “The first fifteen days were terrible,” he added.

Now it seems he has come to terms with his difficult decision and is enjoying life again. In 2009, the daughter of Argentine star Diego Maradona gave birth to his son Benjamin.

Unfortunately, the young couple divorced after four years of marriage. In the last year, he is known for streaming gaming on Twitch and became the fastest growing streamer on the platform last May.

Álvarez’s transfer to City

In his stream, he also reviewed the transfer of another Argentine player to his former club Manchester City, Julian Álvarez from River Plate.

“He’s an amazing footballer, I have a good relationship with him,” Agüero said. “He asked me some questions about the club and I gave him my experience,” he added. The 22-year-old striker will stay in Argentina until at least the end of this year.

Source: Goal
