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A fan in Italy slapped a reporter on the ass. He was banned from the stadium for three years and faces a court case

This move will cost the Fiorentina fan a lot of money. When he spotted the handsome reporter Greta Beccaglia live on air, he didn’t hesitate to slap her on the ass. He won’t watch football for three years because of it.



This move will cost a Fiorentina fan a lot of money. When he spotted the handsome reporter Greta Beccaglia live on air, he didn’t hesitate to slap her on the ass. He won’t watch football for three years because of it.

Football reporters have a tough job. Any mistake they make, any little misspelling, is immediately visible and they face a lot of criticism. Football reporters, on the other hand, are often judged not on their knowledge and quality, but on their appearance.

Greta Beccagli had one such unpleasant experience. The Tuscan television reporter was covering the derby between Empoli and Fiorentina live, only to have her job made very difficult by a passing fan.

As Beccaglia was about to discuss the match, a Fiorentina supporter walked by, spat in his hand and then slapped the reporter on the bottom.

“Excuse me? You can’t do that,” Beccaglia reacted in surprise. The reporter from the studio urged her colleague not to take it and to continue her report, but Beccagli apologized and ended the report.

The man who slapped the reporter on the ass has been identified and now seems to regret his action. He has apologised for his behaviour, but it is of no use, as he has been banned from the stadium for three years. In addition, Beccaglia is apparently planning to take the troublemaker to court.

Source: Twitter, Sport
