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Champions League

VIDEO: Crazy Rüdiger. He entertains with his run and goal celebration, erasing Osimhen in the game

“I’m a bit crazy,” were reportedly Antonio Rüdiger’s first words when he introduced himself in the Real Madrid booth. And he proves it on the pitch in every game, as he did on Tuesday in Naples.



“I’m a bit crazy,” were reportedly Antonio Rüdiger’s first words when he introduced himself in the Real Madrid booth. And he proves it on the pitch in every game, as he did on Tuesday in Naples.

Real Madrid won the Champions League and La Liga with the stopper duo of Eder Militao – David Alaba, but still knew they had to bring in another quality stopper.

So he looked in England, where Antonio Rüdiger’s contract at Chelsea had just ended and the German wanted to move on for a better one. The start wasn’t ideal for him, he didn’t get much past the front two, but now with the injury to the Brazilian he is the first choice stopper.

He’s exactly the type of stopper you definitely don’t want to play as a striker. He won’t let you breathe, he’s always breathing down your neck and he’ll get in your way. Erling Haaland, who was wiped out by Rüdiger in the Champions League semi-finals, could also tell you something about that. In the rematch, Ancelotti reached for the Militao – Alaba duo and it was a disaster.

On Tuesday, Rüdiger had another challenge ahead of him. Victor Osimhen of Naples, last year’s Serie A king. But the German defender again cleared him out of the game and once the Nigerian got a dangerous header, he caught Kepa off guard.

But apart from his excellent defending, Rüdiger has something extra. An X-factor that can entertain the fans. His speciality is a bit of a strange run where he comes back into his own half and swings his arms and legs about a hundred and six. This technique supposedly helps him to increase his speed, which is probably true, but it is very funny.

Rüdiger also entertains Real fans with his celebrations. He often beats his teammates for fun, especially with Alaba, and they have a few “fist bumps” during the celebrations.

In Naples, when Federico Valverde scored a wonderful decisive goal and all the players were lying on top of each other, Rüdiger ran up and jumped between them with an arrow.

He then slashed Modric’s head, and it’s a wonder he didn’t snap his neck. He then gave two slaps and returned to his own half.

Source: Twitter, Real Madrid
