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Krmenčík: Whenever Šilhavy wants me for the national team, I get on the first plane and fly to help him. I’m in shape, hopefully he’ll call me next time

Michael Krmenčík enjoys life in exotic Indonesia. He has already settled in Jakarta, he is doing well in football and he is enjoying his unconventional engagement. However, he is also thinking about returning to the national team.



Michael Krmenčík enjoys life in exotic Indonesia. He has already settled in Jakarta, he is doing well in football and he is enjoying his unconventional engagement. However, he is also thinking about returning to the national team.

That the path from the Indonesian league to the national team is closed? It is not, Ondřej Kúdela, who played a large part of the duel against Portugal and the whole match against Switzerland, confirmed that at the just finished reunion.

However, there is another Czech playing for Persia Jakarta who would like to wear the national team jersey again. Michael Krmencik has already played 35 games for the national team and scored 9 goals.

And he would like to add more. He also relies on a good relationship with coach Jaroslav Šilhavy, who has often nominated him in the past.

“I hope that coach Šilhavy will stay with the national team as long as possible. He knows what to expect from me. Whenever the coach wants, I get on the first plane and fly back to the Czech Republic to help him. I’m in shape, I’m ready. I’ll be happy if he calls me next time,” Krmenčík told iSport.

“I always say that the national team is the most important thing for me, when my girls are a little bit older, I will tell them how their dad represented the Czech Republic. It’s an honour for me to represent our beautiful country,” the 29-year-old forward added.

Teammate Ondřej Kúdela, who travelled to the September meeting from Indonesia, confirmed that Šilhavý has not given up on Krmenčík.

“Kudy spoke to him just now, he told me he said hello. I guess he wasn’t planning to call me now, but he said hello to my family, so that warmed me up. I’m sure he knows about me, I’m open to anything. I’m not throwing any flak, on the contrary. I want to score enough goals to get back to the national team,” says Krmenčík with determination.

Source:: iSport
